• April 27, 2022

4 tips for planting flower bulbs

Planting flower bulbs allows you to enjoy months of colourful flowers in your garden. Planting bulbs is easy and the first blooms appear early in spring. Of course, you have to plant the bulbs in the autumn to give the spring flowers sufficient energy to thrive. When the first snowdrops or crocuses start to bloom, it is time to plant the summer flowers such as anemones and dalia.

Spring flowers
The most well-known spring flowering plants are: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, blue grapes, snowdrops, eranthus and fritillaries.

Summer flowering plants
Here is a list of summer flowers: dahlias, begonias, gladioli, lilies, anemones and ranunculus.

If in doubt, check the instructions or the internet. Read also: Festive spring bloomers: flower bulbs

Tips on planting bulbs
The best time to plant spring bulbs is from September to December. It is best to have the bulbs in the ground before the first night frost. Summer-flowering bulbs are best planted after the night frost has passed, but before the end of May.

Bulbs can be planted in various ways, which is generally a matter of taste. You can place them scattered in a border, in groups or in a flower box on the patio. All you need is a little creativity.

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